Health - Family Tea Products and Your Health

Inflammation is the new hot topic in healthcare these days. But what exactly is "inflammation" and why should you know about it?
Simply put, inflammation is a normal process that occurs in the body, and is designed in acute situations, to aid in the healing of tissue. Cellular inflammation is the type of inflammation that is below the perception of pain. What it does is disrupt hormonal signaling at the cellular levels that leads to increased fat accumulation, acceleration of the development of chronic disease, and reduction in the ability to perform even routine tasks.
Extreme Inflammation
When it is extreme over a wide area and not just a few cells, it can be very painful, debilitating, and can lead to a whole host of issues including accelerated aging, disease, organ failure, and even death. Even though inflammation is at its core a helpful process, chronic inflammation is a problem. In many emergency situations, inflammation is a primary concern for medical doctors in stabilizing a patient and saving their life.
Why inflammation is a relatively new and hot topic
All cells in the body are potentially subject to inflammation, and we generally don't know about it till it starts to spread and causes other issues like pain or decreased performance. In other words, patients don't really know or think about it until it starts to cause them some pain or other problems.
Unfortunately, most of modern western medicine is focused on treating symptoms instead of the primary condition, and and rarely even thinks about what caused those conditions. Thus, we treat the pain. Fortunately, many doctors are now increasing their awareness and focus to inflammation, but there is a long way to go.
Though heart disease is an inflammation of the arteries and arthritis is an inflammation of the joint tissues, we still tend to treat the cholesterol and treat the joint pain when we would do well to instead focus on the cause and treatment of the inflammation that causes the discomfort.
Foods that cause inflammation
Activity or lack of it is a contributing factor to inflammation, but the more immediate effects are the result of what we take in by drink or food. Examples of categories that cause inflammation would include"
- Sugars and simple carbs like white flour
- Pasteurized dairy
- Trans fats
- Corn and corn products [over 4000 grocery products include corn byproducts]
- Soy and soy based products
- Corn fed animal meat
Anti-Inflammatory Foods
As we can take in foods that cause inflammation, we can also take in foods that decrease it.
The first thing is that these foods replace foods that cause inflammation.
Second is that they can actually have a reversal effect on inflammation.
Third, anti-inflammatory foods also tend to be fairly high in antioxidants, thus repairing damage caused by inflammation.
The first factor you look for in anti-inflammatory foods is that they are vegetables and high in fiber. With few exceptions, these are some of the healthiest foods out there. Also consider foods that have many spices are literally overloaded with antioxidants.
You can also steep many of these spices and pull massive amounts of good things out of them into a tea that is extremely healthy and will act quickly. This is the case with our INFLAMMATION REDUX tea, that is packed with herbs and spices to reduce inflammation in a healthy, safe, and natural way, and without the use of medicines that are toxic to your body. Additionally, consider adding 3-4 cups of healthy GREEN TEAS or White Teas, or OOLONGS to your daily regimen a daily basis.
Natural foods that will help decrease inflammation
- Green foods
- Spicy peppers
- Lentils and beans [like pinto, red, etc]
- Seeds and nuts
- Allium vegetables [onions, garlic, leeks, chives, etc]
- Fruits and berries that are red, purple or blue [blueberries, plums, gogi, strawberry, etc]
Additionally, drink lots of water each day to help flush toxins, dead cells, and other organic components from your body.